Mobility Open Data, proudly crafted by the OpenStreetMap community

Jungle Bus Logo

We make mobility data

to improve transport networks

Mapping the transport offer at the scale of a territory in order to understand and optimize the offer available to passengers, identify new needs and adapt infrastructures

to create the digital applications and services of tomorrow

Taking stock of transport solutions to better guide travelers and prepare the intelligent city and mobility of tomorrow


collecting data onboard

From field collection to network mapping, we accompany you to create the data to improve urban mobility.
Most cities don’t have a transport plan, together we can change that.

Our use cases / Our references


Is your mobility data incomplete, inaccurate or out of date? We help you to make them better thanks to our collaborative methods and tools.

Our use cases / Our references

Our methodology

Our expertise is to facilitate the co-creation of data with the OpenStreetMap community.

OpenStreetMap is the “Wikipedia of Cartography”, a fast-growing, coordinated global community that creates freely available data.
Now considered to be the most exhaustive open geographic database
in the world, OpenStreetMap also allows detailed descriptions of transport networks.

Our approach

Open Source

Our tools are open source and without vendor lock-in.

Open Data

The data we create is of public use and can be used by everyone.


We work with local communities to co-create the data and provide them with a healthy ecosystem to be useful to as many people as possible.

Nos partenaires

Ce projet a été créé par des membres de l’association OpenStreetMap FranceNous avons co-fondé la Fédération des professionnels d’OpenStreetMap
Logo Panoramax
Nous développons avec l’IGN le projet Panoramax : le street-view LibreNous développons des outils pour le ministère en charge des transports
L’Agence Française de Développement nous soutient dans nos projets sur plusieurs continentsÎle-de-France Mobilités est utilisateur des données que nous créons
T-Kartor logoRATP
Nous accompagnons T-Kartor pour produire de meilleurs plans de proximité en Ile-de-FranceJungle Bus a fait partie de la 1ère promotion de l’incubateur de la RATP
Logo Cartocité
CartoCité est un expert OpenStreetMap, partenaire de longue dateNous accompagnons SNCF Transilien dans leur usage de données indoor et multiniveaux OpenStreetMap